For detailed documentation of the OpenFPM sources, including the examples, see the online Doxygen documentation.

Vector 0: Simple vector initialization

This example show several basic functionalities of the distributed vector vector_dist. The distributed vector is a set of particles in an N-dimensional space. In this example it is shown how to:

  • Initialize the library
  • Create a Box that defines the domain
  • An array that defines the boundary conditions
  • A Ghost object that will define the extension of the ghost part in physical units

The source code of the example Vector/0_simple/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_0_simple.

See also our video lectures dedicated to this topic Video 1, Video 2

Example 1: Vector Ghost layer

This example shows the properties of ghost_get and ghost_put - functions that synchronize the ghosts layer for a distributed vector vector_dist.

In this example it is shown how to:

  • Iterate vector_dist via getDomainIterator
  • Redistribute the particles in vector_dist according to the underlying domain decomposition via map
  • Synchronize the ghost layers in the standard way
  • NO_POSITION, KEEP_PROPERTIES and SKIP_LABELLING options of the ghost_get function
  • Propagate the data from ghost to non-ghost particles via ghost_put

The source code of the example Vector/1_ghost_get_put/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_1_ghost_get.

Example 2: Cell-lists and Verlet-lists

This example shows the properties of ghost_get and ghost_put - functions that synchronize the ghosts layer for a distributed vector vector_dist.

Key points:

  • How to utilize the grid iterator getGridIterator, to create a grid-like particle domain
  • Two principal types of fast neighbor lists: cell-list getCellList and Verlet-list getVerlet for a distributed vector vector_dist
  • CELL_MEMFAST, CELL_MEMBAL and CELL_MEMMW variations of the cell-list, with different memory requirements and computations costs
  • Iterating through the neighboring particles via getNNIterator of cell-list and Verlet-list

The source code of the example Vector/1_celllist/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_1_celllist.

Example 3: GPU vector

This example shows how to create a vector data-structure with vector_dist_gpu to access a vector_dist-alike data structure from GPU accelerated computing code.

Key points:

  • How to convert the source code from using vector_dist to vector_dist_gpu and how it influences the memory layout of the data structure
  • Oflloading particle position hostToDevicePos and particle property hostToDeviceProp data from CPU to GPU
  • Lanuching a CUDA-like kernel with CUDA_LAUNCH and automatic subdivision of a computation loop into workgroups/threads via getDomainIteratorGPU or manually specifying the number of workgroups and the number of threads in a workgroup
  • Passing the data-structures to a CUDA-like kernel code via toKernel
  • How to use map with the option RUN_DEVICE to redistribute the particles directly on GPU, and ghost_get with RUN_DEVICE option to fill ghost particles directly on GPU
  • How to detect and utilize RDMA on GPU to get the support of CUDA-aware MPI implementation to work directly with device pointers in communication subroutines

The source code of the example Vector/1_gpu_first_step/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_1_gpu_first_step.

Example 4: HDF5 Save and load

This example show how to save and load a vector to/from the parallel file format HDF5.

Key points:

  • How to save the position/property information of the particles vector_dist into an .hdf5 file via save
  • How to load the position/property information of the particles vector_dist from an .hdf5 file via load

The source code of the example Vector/1_HDF5_save_load/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_1_HDF5.

Example 5: Vector expressions

This example shows how to use vector expressions to apply mathematical operations and functions on particles. The example also shows to create a point-wise applicable function
$$ A_q e^{\frac{|x_p-x_q|^2}{\sigma}} $$

where $A_q$ is the property $A$ of particle $q$, $x_p, x_q$ are positions of particles $p, q$ correspondingly.

Key points:

  • Setting an alias for particle properties via getV of particle_dist to be used within an expression
  • Composing expressions with scalar particle properties
  • Composing expressions with vector particle properties. The expressions are 1) applied point-wise; 2) used to create a component-wise multiplication via *; 3) scalar product via pmul; 4) compute a norm norm; 5) perform square root operation sqrt
  • Converting Point object into an expression getVExpr to be used with vector expressions
  • Utilizing operator= and the function assign to assing singular or multiple particle properties per iteration through particles
  • Constructing expressions with applyKernel_in and applyKernel_in_gen to create kernel functions called at particle locations for all the neighboring particles, e.g. as in SPH

$$\sum_{q = Neighborhood(p)} A_q D^{\beta}ker(x_p,x_q) V_q $$

The source code of the example Vector/2_expressions/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_2_expression.

Example 6: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Cell-List)

This example shows a simple Lennard-Jones molecular dynamics simulation in a stable regime. The particles interact with the interaction potential
$$ V(x_p,x_q) = 4( (\frac{\sigma}{r})^{12} - (\frac{\sigma}{r})^6 ) $$

$A_q$ is the property $A$ of particle $q$, $x_p, x_q$ are positions of particles $p, q$ correspondingly, $\sigma$ is a free parameter, $r$ is the distance between the particles.

Key points:

  • Reusing memory allocated with getCellList for the subsequent iterations via updateCellList
  • Utilizing CELL_MEMBAL with getCellList to minimize memory footprint
  • Performing 10000 time steps using symplectic Verlet integrator

$$ \vec{v}(t_{n}+1/2) = \vec{v}_p(t_n) + \frac{1}{2} \delta t \vec{a}(t_n) $$

$$ \vec{x}(t_{n}+1) = \vec{x}_p(t_n) + \delta t \vec{v}(t_n+1/2) $$

$$ \vec{v}(t_{n+1}) = \vec{v}_p(t_n+1/2) + \frac{1}{2} \delta t \vec{a}(t_n+1) $$

  • Producing a time-total energy 2D plot with GoogleChart

The source code of the example Vector/3_molecular_dynamic/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_3_md_dyn.

Example 7: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List)

The physical model in the example is identical to Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Cell-List). Please refer to it for futher details. Key points:

  • Due to the computational cost of updating Verlet-list, r_cut + skin cutoff distance is used such that the Verlet-list has to be updated once in 10 iterations via updateVerlet
  • As Verlet-lists are constructed based on local particle id's, which would be invalidated by map or ghost_get ,map is called every 10 time-step, and ghost_get is used with SKIP_LABELLING option to keep old indices every iteration

The source code of the example Vector/3_molecular_dynamic/main_vl.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_3_md_vl.

Example 15: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Symmetric Verlet-List)

This example is an extension to Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List). It shows how better performance can be achieved for symmetric interaction models with symmetric Verlet-list compared to the standard Verlet-list. Key points:

  • Computing the interaction for particles p, q only once
  • Propagate the data from potentially ghost particles q to non-ghost particles in their corresponding domains via ghost_put with the operation _add_
  • Changing the prefactor in the subroutine of calculating the total energy as every pair of particles is visited once (as compared to two times before)
  • Updating Verlet-list once in 10 iterations via updateVerlet with 'VL_SYMMETRIC' flag

The source code of the example Vector/5_molecular_dynamic_sym/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_5_md_vl_sym.

Example 16: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Symmetric CRS Verlet-List)

This example is an extension to Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List) and Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List). It shows how better performance can be achieved for symmetric interaction models with symmetric Verlet-list compared to the standard Verlet-list. Key points:

  • Computing the interaction for particles p, q only once
  • Propagate the data from potentially ghost particles q to non-ghost particles in their corresponding domains via ghost_put with the operation _add_
  • Changing the prefactor in the subroutine of calculating the total energy as every pair of particles is visited once (as compared to two times before)
  • Updating Verlet-list once in 10 iterations via updateVerlet with 'VL_SYMMETRIC' flag

The source code of the example Vector/5_molecular_dynamic_sym/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_5_md_vl_sym.

Example 8: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (GPU)

The physical model in the example is identical to Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Cell-List) and Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List). Please refer to those for futher details. Key points:

  • To get the particle index inside a CUDA-like kernel GET_PARTICLE macro is used to avoid overflow in the construction blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
  • A primitive reduction function reduce_local with the operation _add_ is used to get the total energy by summing energies of all particles.

The source code of the example Vector/3_molecular_dynamic_gpu/main_vl.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_3_md_dyn_gpu.

Example 9: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (GPU optimized)

The physical model in the example is identical to Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Cell-List), Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List) and is based on Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (GPU). Please refer to those for futher details. Key points:

  • To achieve coalesced memory access on GPU and to reduce cache load the particle indices are stored in cell-list in a sorted manner, i.e. particles with neighboring indices are located in the same cell-list. This is achieved by assigning new particle indices and storing them temporarily in vector_dist.
  • The sorted version of vector_dist_gpu is offloaded to GPU using toKernel_sorted. It uses get_sort instead of get to get a particle index in the cell-list neighborhood iterator getNNIteratorBox
  • The sorted version of particle properties have to be merged to the original ones once the processing is done via merge_sort of vector_dist

The source code of the example Vector/3_molecular_dynamic_gpu_opt/main_vl.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_3_md_dyn_gpu_opt.

Example 10: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Particle reordering)

The physical model in the example is identical to Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Cell-List), Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List). The example shows how reordering the data can significantly reduce the computational running time. Key points:

  • The particles inside vector_dist are reordered via reorder following a Hilbert curve of order m (here m=5) passing through the cells of $2^m \times 2^m \times 2^m$ (here, in 3D) cell-list
  • It is shown that the frequency of reordering depends on the mobility of particles
  • Wall clock time is measured of the function calc_force utilizing the object timer via start and stop

The source code of the example Vector/4_reorder/main_data_ord.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_4_reo.

Example 11: Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Cell-list reordering)

The physical model in the example is identical to Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Cell-List), Molecular Dynamics with Lennard-Jones potential (Verlet-List). The example shows how reordering the data can significantly reduce the computational running time. Key points:

  • The cell-list cells are iterated following a Hilbert curve instead of a normal left-to-right bottom-to-top cell iteration (in 2D). The function getCellList_hilb of vector_dist is used instead of getCellList
  • It is shown that for static or slowly moving particles a speedup of up to 10% could be achieved

The source code of the example Vector/4_reorder/main_comp_ord.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_4_comp_reo.

Example 12: Complex properties in Vector 1

This example shows how to use complex properties in the distributed vector vector_dist

Key points:

  • Creating a distributed vector with particle properties: scalar, vector float[3], Point, list of float openfpm::vector<float>, list of custom structures openfpm::vector<A> (where A is a user-defined type with no pointers), vector of vectors openfpm::vector<openfpm::vector<float>>>
  • Redistribute the particles in vector_dist according to the underlying domain decomposition. Communicate only the selected particle properties via map_list (instead of communicating all map)
  • Synchronize the ghost layers only for the selected particle properties ghost_get

The source code of the example Vector/4_complex_prop/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_4_complex_prop.

Example 13: Complex properties in Vector 2

This example shows how to use complex properties in the distributed vector vector_dist

Key points:

  • Creating a distributed vector with particle properties: scalar, vector float[3], Point, list of float openfpm::vector<float>, list of custom structures openfpm::vector<A> (where A is a user-defined type with memory pointers inside), vector of vectors openfpm::vector<openfpm::vector<float>>>
  • Enabling the user-defined type being serializable by vector_dist via
    • packRequest method to indicate how many byte are needed to serialize the structure
    • pack method to serialize the data-structure via methods allocate, getPointer of ExtPreAlloc and method pack of Packer
    • unpack method to deserialize the data-structure via method getPointerOffset of ExtPreAlloc and method unpack of Unpacker
    • noPointers method to inform the serialization system that the object has pointers
    • Constructing constructor, destructor and operator= to avoid memory leaks

The source code of the example Vector/4_complex_prop/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_4_complex_prop_ser.

Example 14: Multiphase Cell-lists and Verlet-lists

This example is an extension to Example 2: Cell-lists and Verlet-lists and ()[]. It shows how to use multi-phase cell-lists and Verlet-list using multiple instances of vector_dist. Key points:

  • All the phases have to use the same domain decomposition, which is achieved by passing the decomposition of the first phase to the constructor of vector_dist of all the other phases.
  • The domains have to be iterated individually via getDomainIterator, the particles redistributed via map, the ghost layers synchronized via ghost_get for all the phases vector_dist.
  • Constructing Verlet-lists for two phases (ph0, ph1) with createVerlet, where for one phase ph0 the neighoring particles of ph1 are assigned in the Verlet-list. Cell-list of ph1 has to be passed to createVerlet
  • Constructing Verlet-lists for multiple phases (ph0, ph1, ph2...) with createVerletM, where for one phase ph0 the neighoring particles of ph1, ph2... are assigned in the Verlet-list. Cell-list containing all of ph1, ph2... create with createCellListM has to be passed to createVerletM
  • Iterating over the neighboring particles of a multiphase Verlet-list with getNNIterator with get being substituded by getP (particle phase) and getV (particle id)
  • Extending example of the symmetric interaction for multiphase cell-lists and Verlet-lists via createCellListSymM, createVerletSymM

The source code of the example Vector/4_multiphase_celllist_verlet/main.cpp. The full doxygen documentation Vector_4_mp_cl.